Laurent Constantin's network toolbox (netwag) ---------------------------------------------- | NETWAG 's CHANGELOG | ---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.36.0 - 01-Nov-2008 ++ fixed bugs ++ - Help message for remote information notebook was a copy of another help message. - Installation directories were not created with mode 0755, so if root has a strict umask, users could not read the files in the directories. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.35.0 - 05-Oct-2006 ++ fixed bugs ++ - Help messages of send button and echo checkbox were reversed. ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.34.0 - 05-Apr-2006 ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.33.0 - 20-December-2005 ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.32.0 - 24-November-2005 ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.31.0 - 12-October-2005 ++ netwag is back ++ After several months netwib, netwox and netwag projects are back. For those interested, the new version of my professional project is now online. It's a vulnerability survey named Vigil@nce ( and conceived towards enterprises or agencies. As for netw*, please talk about it with your co-workers or friends in other enterprises. Supporting Vigil@nce is an indirect way to support netw*. ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ - Detail description of tree top entries. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.30.0 - 30-March-2005 ++ important ++ Netw project is still paused. ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.29.0 - 21-February-2005 ++ important ++ As some of you noticed, netw project paused since January 1st. This is due to my professional/enterprise project where I have to do a lot of private work. It should end on september, so I expect to be back on netw on october. In the meantime, bugs will be corrected, but no major tool is expected. Note: don't worry, my boss is not forcing me to work on WE, but I want this project to take a giant step :-) ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ - In Search sub-notebook, the tree/sort view choice is saved in session file. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version ++ notes ++ - Under Unix, when netwag is installed, no desktop icon/menu is added. Icons are in netwag-src/misc/unix/ico directory (named ico_netw-16x16.xpm and ico_netw-32x32.xpm). You have to add a desktop icon/menu pointing to /usr/local/bin/netwag. As the exact procedure depends on desktop (Gnome, KDE, FVWM, etc.), it can be complicated, so it is not done during installation process. - Control-K key binding permits to remove text from current position to end of field. For example, in Form notebook, an entry may contain, and you want to replace it by click at entry beginning, press Control-K, write/paste --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.28.0 - 05-January-2005 ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ - In Form notebook, several new parameter types have their own history (hostname, newsgroup, login, etc.). - In Running notebook, a new button "crush" permits to crush old lines (>50000 lines by default), in order to limit memory usage. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.27.0 - 30-November-2004 ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.26.0 - 25-October-2004 ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version ++ documentation There are no big changes in this version. So, you can take time to read documentation. File netwag-doc_html/html/lessons.html is the most important to read. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.25.0 - 27-September-2004 ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.24.0 - 12-September-2004 ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ - In form notebook, some tools have radio buttons (one choice amongst several). ++ minor evolutions ++ - In Running notebook, there is also a close button on left side. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.23.0 - 30-August-2004 ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.22.0 - 15-August-2004 ++ fixed bugs ++ - In Search notebook, if user double-clicked on a line, and then slightly moved (up or down) before Form notebook had time to appear, the retrieved tool was the bad one. This caused an error message to appear. ++ major evolutions ++ - Search feature improved to find more easily unknown tools. Search is done in title, description and synonyms (for example, searching for "capture" retrieves all tools containing "sniff"). - Detailed description of tools is available in Help notebook. If you encounter any error, or have some comments to add, please contact me. ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.21.0 - 1-August-2004 ++ fixed bugs ++ - When no tool is selected, Help and Form notebooks display an help message. This message was about "Change tool" button which was renamed "Update" some time ago. So help message didn't really help :) ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ - Now, genemake does not check if wish really works. This caused problem for automatic installers, or packages generation. - XPM icons are available under src/compil/unix/ico directory. They permit to create nice menus. They are not used during installation process, but can be configured by hand depending on window manager (Gnome, KDE, fvwm, etc.). Package maintainers can also use them. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.20.0 - 18-July-2004 ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ - Simplification of netwox errors management. ++ related work ++ - Donnie Werner created netwagui for Windows containing netwib, netwox, netwag and Tcl/Tk. It permits quick installation on computers without Tcl/Tk. Available for download at: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.19.0 - 5-July-2004 ++ fixed bugs ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ - Support of 64 bit integers in form notebook. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.18.0 - 1-June-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ - File netw-ib-ox-ag-5.x.y.tgz permits to easily install netwox and netwag under Unix or Windows. ++ minor evolutions ++ - Under Windows 2k/2k3, session file was saved in %TEMP%/ Now, it is saved in %APPDATA%/ To retrieve old session, just copy it from %TEMP%/ to %APPDATA%/ or open it from netwag's menu. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.17.0 - 24-May-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ - In remote info notebook, if user tries to run 2 queries, display an error message. - Improved message display in bottom blue text zone to ensure there is no useless blank line at end. - Support for backspace character, useful for tool 139 for example. - In form notebook, uri and email fields have they own history. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.16.2 - 11-May-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ - When releasing 5.16.1, micro version (.1) was not incremented everywhere. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.16.1 - 11-May-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ - Tk version <= 8.2, does not support parameter -activebackground for labels. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.16.0 - 10-May-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ - Support for wheel mouses. Tcl/Tk support for MouseWheel is strange to me (focus/selection needed under Windows, strictmotif variable under Unix, etc.). Now, everything works fine on my computers, but if you encounter problems, please contact me. - Rewrite of most Form notebook code. Fields support dynamic help. Fields are aligned. Tab key skips to next field. History of previously entered values is available. - Several tools can run simultaneously. History of run tools data is kept. Tools can be easily run again. - A new button named "Interrupt" appears in remote information notebook. It permits to interrupt a long name resolution for example. - In form Notebook, a new entry type was created to enter passwords, which are not displayed on screen. They are not viewable, but while netwag is running, they are stored in Tcl memory, so an user with access to netwag can obtain passwords. Do not leave your computer unattended while netwag is running (as for any other program), so lock your screen. Note: we could destroy them just after tool start, but if we want to run the same tool several times, we'd have to regenerate password each time. Note: this version provides several new features. Don't hesitate to read lessons in netwag-5.16.0-doc_html.tgz, or to activate dynamic help (Options menu - Dynamic help). ++ minor evolutions ++ - When a major problem occurs (netwox not found), do not restart with a blank session, loosing previous session information. - Better display on slow computers. - Lot of small improvements. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ - Rewrite of most functions running shell commands. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.15.0 - 21-Apr-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ - Output notebook contains an autoscroll button. Top buttons disappears when they are not needed. ++ minor evolutions ++ - Clipboard notebook is now separated in four. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.14.0 - 14-Apr-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ - In History notebook, selecting a line displays title of associated tool. - In Form notebook, when an integer has to be selected, it is followed by a '+' and a '-' to increase and decrease its value. Pressing Control while clicking on those buttons increase and decrease by 10. - Small clipboard can be shrunk till having a one line height. - About window now contains the logo. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.13.0 - 05-Apr-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ - In Form notebook, depending on previously displayed tools, the ChangeTool button generated a warning. It was due to an uninitialized value. ++ major evolutions ++ None in this version ++ minor evolutions ++ - Tools 93, 139 125 and 167 have the "..." button to select root directory. - In the Search notebook, pressing Enter on a tool number opens the Form notebook. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.12.0 - 30-Mar-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ - In form notebook, integer fields have two buttons + and - to increase or decrease value. ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.11.0 - 22-Mar-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ - In form notebook, changing a tool sets all field values. ++ minor evolutions ++ - In Help and Form notebooks, generated command lines use long parameters. - File and directory selection windows now update current directory from previous value set. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.10.0 - 3-Mar-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ - Tree display in Search notebook now has two buttons to close and expand branches. ++ minor evolutions ++ None in this version ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.9.0 - 16-Feb-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ - Tool help and form is now separated in two : common parameters and advanced parameters. Most users only need common parameters. So, it's easier to find the parameter to set. ++ minor evolutions ++ - A useless warning was displayed when netwag was run on an unsupported platform. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.8.0 - 2-Feb-2004 ++ bugs fixed ++ None in this version ++ major evolutions ++ - A search feature is available for text zones. - Text zones can be entirely selected (Control-A). ++ minor evolutions ++ - When Interrupt button is pressed, Pause button is reset. - In Remote info notebook, user can now simply press Enter key. ++ internal evolutions (not seen by end users) ++ None in this version --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.7.0 - 22-Jan-2004 No change in this version. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.6.0 - 14-Dec-2003 Several features improvement were implemented in this version : - all run notebooks are grouped under the same notebook - double clicking on a tool in the search notebook opens the form notebook - tools needing file or directories parameters have a "..." button in the form notebook. This button opens a dialog to select a filename - tool description in help notebook is better - form notebook starts with tool number - when netwag is started, form notebook contains a descriptive message --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.5.0 - 11-Nov-2003 - Improvements in genemake file to support a more generic installation. Thanks to Olivier Thauvin. - Tools 111 to 117 had user and password defined as device buffer. They worked, but netwag's form displayed bad fields. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.4.0 - 28-Oct-2003 No change in this version. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.3.0 - 19-Oct-2003 Creation of documentation explaining how to use netwag in 20 lessons (netwag-5.3.0-doc_html.tgz). --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.2.0 - 05-Oct-2003 No change in this version. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.1.0 - 23-Sep-2003 This version is a full rewrite. Everything changed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.0.0 This version does not exists.