clink clink (Characterize Links) is a utility I wrote that does the same thing as pathchar -- it estimates the latency and bandwidth of Internet links by sending UDP packets from a single source and measuring round-trip times. The basic mechanism is similar to ping and traceroute, except that clink generally has to send many more packets. The interface of clink is based on the interface of pathchar, and the underlying mechanism is based on Jacobson's description of pathchar. No pathchar source code is included in clink. Here is the documentation for clink. (see clink.doc) clink is based on trout, which is a simple version of traceroute written by Allen Downey, but which is heavily based on the version of traceroute Richard Stevens presents in his book UNIX Network Programming: Volume 1, Second Edition. In Summer 1998, I wrote the data processing part of clink, which became one of the source code files below (process.c). I used the alpha version of pathchar to collect data, and wrote a paper describing my experiences, and proposing some improvements to pathchar's data processing. In Summer 1999, I wrote the data collection part of clink, which is the source code file called collect.c, and assembled the pieces into this distribution. I am currently working on (1) implementing the improvements I suggested in my SIGCOMM paper, and (2) testing additional improvements. So far, the primary differences between pathchar and clink are: 1) clink uses the even-odd technique described in the SIGCOMM paper to generate interval estimates for bandwidth. 2) when clink encounters a routing instability, it collects data for ALL the paths it encounters, until one of the paths generates enough data to yield an estimate. The source code for clink is available here in a tar file (82 KB) or at gzipped tar file (23 KB). The next major addition to clink will be adaptive data collection as described in the SIGCOMM paper. The clink homepage is located at: Cryptographic signatures and checksums may be provided by the developers at the URL(s) above. Wiretapped recommends that users check these before use of the software/information.