Chaos Digest Mercredi 12 Mai 1993 Volume 1 : Numero 24 ISSN 1244-4901 Editeur: Jean-Bernard Condat ( Archiviste: Yves-Marie Crabbe Co-Redacteurs: Arnaud Bigare, Stephane Briere TABLE DES MATIERES, #1.24 (12 Mai 1993) File 1--Systeme dissuasif de marquage antivol (produit) File 2--Ass. espagnole contre le crime informatique (loi) File 3--Raid du FBI... sans aucune raison (etranger) File 4--A quoi sert le 3644? (technique) File 5--The Legion of Doom: le retour (droit de reponse) File 6--Scanning de masse des telex anglais sortants (espionnage) Chaos Digest is a weekly electronic journal/newsletter. Subscriptions are available at no cost by sending a message to: with a mail header or first line containing the following informations: X-Mn-Admin: join CHAOS_DIGEST The editors may be contacted by voice (+33 1 47874083), fax (+33 1 47877070) or S-mail at: Jean-Bernard Condat, Chaos Computer Club France [CCCF], B.P. 155, 93404 St-Ouen Cedex, France. He is a member of the EICAR and EFF (#1299) groups. Issues of ChaosD can also be found on some French BBS. Back issues of ChaosD can be found on the Internet as part of the Computer underground Digest archives. They're accessible using anonymous FTP from: * [] in /pub/cud/chaos * [] in /pub/CuD/chaos * [] in /pub/mirror/cud/chaos * [] in /e-serials/alphabetic/c/chaos-digest * [] in /pub/text/CuD/chaos * [] in /pub/doc/cud/chaos * [] in /pub/cud/chaos CHAOS DIGEST is an open forum dedicated to sharing French information among computerists and to the presentation and debate of diverse views. ChaosD material may be reprinted for non-profit as long as the source is cited. Some authors do copyright their material, and they should be contacted for reprint permission. Readers are encouraged to submit reasoned articles in French, English or German languages relating to computer culture and telecommunications. Articles are preferred to short responses. Please avoid quoting previous posts unless absolutely necessary. DISCLAIMER: The views represented herein do not necessarily represent the views of the moderators. Chaos Digest contributors assume all responsibility for ensuring that articles submitted do not violate copyright protections. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue May 11 09:24:40 PDT 1993 From: (vol_protect ) Subject: File 1--Systeme dissuasif de marquage antivol (produit) VOL PROTECT propose un systeme competitif de marquage des ordinateurs VOL PROTECT propose un systeme de protection contre le vol des ordinateurs, a base de marquage antivol brevete (le 30 Aout 1991 a l' INPI sous les references 9110769-71: "Dispositif de dissuasion de vol pour marquer de maniere indelebile/inviolable et identifier un materiel/des cartes electroniques") du materiel informatique et bureautique. Les marquages antivols sont personnalisables (texte au choix, logo et couleurs de la societe). Livre pret a poser, le marquage peut s'accompagner d'un code barre qui facilite l'inventaire du parc. Arracher le marquage antivol provoque d'inportants degats sur la machine en laissant des traces evidentes d'effraction. "Cela vaut la peine, lorsque l'on sait que le taux de vols dans les entreprises dites "grands comptes" est de 2% par an, et qu'entre 1986 et 1988, 17,8% des entreprises ont ete victimes d'un vol de materiel." Et M. Jean-Noel Clot de citer les estimations du Centre de documentation et d'informations des Assurances (CDIA): 110 MF de vols de materiels en 1991, dont les 3/4 sont revendus: le vol represente 26,3% des crimes informatiques. La repartition des vols par secteur economique est la suivante: services 47%, industrie 26,3%, finance 21%, non indique 5,3%. Le vol d'un ordinateur implique egalement en plus du materiel, le cout de la reconstitution des donnees (voire du ou des logiciels, ainsi que l'augmentation des primes d'assurances. Avec son systeme de marquage, Vol Protect offre gratuitement son logiciel de gestion de parc micro, VP Parc, en saisissant pour le client, le catalogue des appareils marques (fichier au format ASCII ou .DBF). De plus, un numero vert (05 17 33 02) est present sur chaque marquage, afin que toute personne puisse verifier aupres de Vol Protect si votre materiel a ete vole ou non. Garantie Vol Protect rembourse le marquage en cas de vol et les caracteristiques permettant l'identification de la machine sont communiques aux organismes tels que les constructeurs, les SAV, la police, etc. Contact Philippe Hassler, Ingenieur Commercial, Vol Protect, 101 Av. du General Leclerc, 75014 Paris, France. Tel: +33 1 46 67 94 00 Fax: +33 1 46 67 94 70 ------------------------------ Date: Sat May 8 00:56:35 GMT 1993 From: ("(Miguel Gallardo)" ) Subject: File 2--Ass. espagnole contre le crime informatique (loi) Presentation of APEDANICA During 1991 and 1992, many things happened in Spain related with computer risks. Some of them went to the Court, and many others remain in an unhealthy silence. Data stolen from banks, cryptology used by terrorist organizations, hacking, piracy, personal dossiers and blackmailing have been studied by the police, lawyers, journalists and professional technicians. Moreover, a deep crisis in Spanish economy does not help to recover any investment in data processing. There are too many unpaid bills and half performed projects in computing. At the same time, politicians at the Parliament approved a new Law on Data Protection, and a Data Protection Agency, a Computer Police that is not clear enough who can control and how can it work. Computer victimization is very high in Spain due to knowledge lack and technical dependency from equipment and service sellers. In an increasingly complex and critical environments, there is almost no local technology industry, and multinationals are very disconcerted because lack of expertise, expensive commercial nets, counter-productive promotional efforts, and political corruption on almost every local big business. Since December 1992, there is an Association, APEDANICA, that can help to discover sensible troubles related with computers and communications, and its markets. Members of this non-profitable organization acts like expert witness, cryptologist, lawyers, and even as Sherlock Holmes in computer environments. APEDANICA (ASOCIACION PARA LA PREVENCION Y ESTUDIO DE DELITOS ABUSOS Y NEGLIGENCIAS EN INFORMATICA Y COMUNICACIONES AVANZADAS), Spanish Legal Advanced Communications and Computer Crime Association, is very interested in developing relationships with any other organization with similar goals, all over the World. _ _ _ _ Miguel A. Gallardo Ortiz, PX86 Engineer ' ) ) ) // UNIX&C instructor working on RSA crypto / / / o __ _ // P.O. Box 17083 - E-28080 Madrid (Spain) / ' (_<_(_//_/_ bon isolement de la ligne. * une tonalite hachee lente --> fuite a la terre. * une tonalite hachee rapide --> fuite entre fils de ligne. Voila le test d'isolement termine. 5. Raccrocher et attendre la sonnerie. 6. Decrocher alors, vous pouvez entendre: * une tonalite grave continue --> 33 < I < 50 mA (normal). * une tonalite hachee lente --> I < 33 mA (trop faible). * une tonalite hachee rapide --> 50 < I < 70 mA (trop forte). * une tonalite irreguliere --> I > 70 mA (beaucoup trop forte). 7. Raccrocher pour terminer le test. ------------------------------ Date: 13 May 1993 21:55:46 -0400 From: (The Marauder) Subject: File 5--The Legion of Doom: le retour (droit de reponse) Repost from: Let me set the record straight: This "NEW" Legion of Doom, coming from "" has _NOTHING_ whatsoever to do with the Legion of Doom! group that was formed approximately mid-1984, of which I was a member. The "real" LoD continued as a group until somewhere around 1990. Those of you really interested in the whole thing can read all about it in the electronic publication called "Phrack", which is available at the anon ftp site "", in the "/pub/cud/phrack" directory. I believe "Phrack" issue #31 contains "The History of The Legion of Doom!" which was written by Lex Luthor (founder of the whole thing), and edited by Erik Bloodaxe. The article contains a brief history of us, and ALL them members of the real group, and is the final word as to who was/was not in LoD. I think you will find no mention of this (ahem) Lord Havoc character. I believe "" also contains all the LOD Technical Journals in "pub/cud/lod". The Legion of Doom! as a hack/phreak group DOES NOT EXIST ANYMORE. These clowns running around the internet calling themselves the "NEW" LoD are simply some all the LOD Technical Journals in "pub/cud/lod". The Legion of Doom! as a hack/phreak group DOES NOT EXIST ANYMORE. These clowns running around the internet calling themselves the "NEW" LoD are simply some kids having fun with you all, so relax, take a deep breath, and forget the whole thing. I am quite convinced you'll not hear much more from them ;). Most of the horror stories, and tales of terror you have read and heard about us (real LOD), are way off base. Very few of you were around, or involved with the "BBS" underground world back when we existed as a group so any "data" you have about us is heresay at best. (Although I'm sure you guys at AT&T could probably find some fairly accurate information in "Ralph's" files, heh ;) ). Anyway, speaking for me, I simply became obsessed with the telephone system; it is after all the largest interconnected entity I know of. The last thing I or any of the members of the LOD wanted to do is wreck or destroy the very thing that caused us to come into existence in the first place. Sure we looked at a few things we damn well had no business seeing, and yes we occasionally impersonated the Arlington RNOC for WATS translations and what have you. But as to being the wandering band of "Digital Henchmen" who left smoking, crumpled 1AESS's in our wake -- you could not be further from the truth! I often laugh out loud at the media's portrayal of us and our activities, as they are by far the most clueless of the lot. Most of the original members of the LOD have remained friends, and stay in fairly current contact with each other, sometimes swapping stories of our old memories over a beer or two, when we have time. That's about the extent of it. Forget about this "Return of the Legion of Doom!". Like a bad smell, it's sure to blow away. The Marauder Legion of Doom! ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Feb 93 17:30:55 From: (James Faircliffe ) Subject: File 6--Scanning de masse des telex anglais sortants (espionnage) A few months ago, a well-respected British TV documentary show (might have been 'World in Action') discovered that all out-going telexes from the Uk were electronically scanned by British Telecom (the main phone company) personnel, supervised by the security services. Direct scanning by the security services would have been illegal. They were looking for words like 'terrorist' & 'bomb', but the civil liberties implications are far-reaching. Obviously, this could affect the privacy of American telexes to the U.K. J.F. Faircliffe. [ChaosD: Etonne de cette information publiee dans "Computer Privacy Digest" v2 #021, je decidai d'ecrire au President de BT. Voici sa reponse:] BT Centre Room A730 81 Newsgate Street LONDON EC1A 7AJ Office of the Chairman J B Condat Esq 2 March 1993 Dear Mr Condat Thank you for your facsimile message of 28 February. I can confirm that BT would not be involved in the "scanning" of outgoing telexes from the UK for security reasons. I would not therefore be able to provide you with any information on this matter. Yours sincerely /signed/ DAVID BROWN Assistant to the Chairman ------------------------------ End of Chaos Digest #1.24 ************************************