Chaos Digest Lundi 19 Avril 1993 Volume 1 : Numero 19 Editeur: Jean-Bernard Condat ( Archiviste: Yves-Marie Crabbe Co-Redacteurs: Arnaud Bigare, Stephane Briere TABLE DES MATIERES, #1.19 (19 Avril 1993) File 1--Alertes aux fausses factures d'annuaires France Telecom File 2--Le "Clipper Chip": rapide descriptif File 3--Slide presente a la Maison Blanche durant le briefing File 4--Clipper Chip et le FBI (reprints) File 5--Piratage France Telecom par un technicien France Telecom Chaos Digest is a weekly electronic journal/newsletter. Subscriptions are available at no cost by sending a message to: with a mail header or first line containing the following informations: X-Mn-Admin: join CHAOS_DIGEST The editors may be contacted by voice (+33 1 47874083), fax (+33 1 47877070) or S-mail at: Jean-Bernard Condat, Chaos Computer Club France [CCCF], B.P. 155, 93404 St-Ouen Cedex, France. Issues of ChaosD can also be found on some French BBS. Back issues of ChaosD can be found on the Internet as part of the Computer underground Digest archives. They're accessible using anonymous FTP from: * [] in /pub/cud/chaos * [] in /pub/CuD/chaos * [] in /pub/mirror/cud/chaos * [] in /e-serials/alphabetic/c/chaos-digest * [] in /pub/text/CuD/chaos * [] in /pub/doc/cud/chaos * [] in /pub/cud/chaos CHAOS DIGEST is an open forum dedicated to sharing French information among computerists and to the presentation and debate of diverse views. ChaosD material may be reprinted for non-profit as long as the source is cited. Some authors do copyright their material, and they should be contacted for reprint permission. Readers are encouraged to submit reasoned articles in French, English or German languages relating to computer culture and telecommunications. Articles are preferred to short responses. Please avoid quoting previous posts unless absolutely necessary. DISCLAIMER: The views represented herein do not necessarily represent the views of the moderators. Chaos Digest contributors assume all responsibility for ensuring that articles submitted do not violate copyright protections. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu Apr 15 11:47:00 +0200 1993 From: (Stephane DUFOUR ) Subject: File 1--Alertes aux fausses factures d'annuaires France Telecom Depuis plus de deux ans, des vagues de pseudo-factures imitant les factures de France Telecom, se repandent sur le territoire national. Ces documents constituent une double tromperie: * Ils se presentent d'une part comme des factures, alors qu'ils ne sont censes etre qu'une offre d'abonnement a un service d'annuaire pour la telecopie, le telex ou le Minitel. Cette presentation visiblement destinee a abuser les consommateurs est penalement reprehensible et confine a la tentative d'escroquerie. * Ils imitent d'autre part d'une facon plus ou moins manifeste les factures emises par France Telecom, tant en ce qui concerne le nom du service (France service Minitel, France Telecopie) que la presentation generale, le logo ou la couleur a dominante bleue. Ceci constitue aussi une infraction de contrefacon ou imitation illicite. Des l'apparition de ces fraudes, France Telecom a reagi en portant plainte chaque fois qu'une nouvelle affaire apparaissait. Il a mis en garde tous ses abonnes individuellement contre les risques de confusion. Il est intervenu sur ce sujet a de nombreuses reprises dans les medias et continue de la faire. Une collaboration etroite a ete etablie avec le parquet de Paris qui centralise les plaintes et coordonne les differentes enquetes. France Telecom transmet en particulierles nouveaux "modeles" de factures des qu'ils lui sont signales. A titre d'exemple, cette cooperation entre la justice, France Telecom et la Poste a permis en un an d'intercepter sur commission rogatoire pres de 350 000 plis avant leur distribution et de bloquer, en liaison avec les banques de nombreux cheques. L'instruction judiciaire a ete rendue plus difficile par le caractere international de la fraude qui affecte une bonne partie de l'Europe et utilise l'Autriche et le Lichtenstein comme plaques tournantes. Toutefois plusieurs personnes devraient etre traduites devant le tribunal correction- nel d'ici cet ete. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Apr 93 19:21:48 EDT From: (Dorothy Denning ) Subject: File 2--Le "Clipper Chip": rapide descriptif Repost from: RISKS Digest THE CLIPPER CHIP: A TECHNICAL SUMMARY Dorothy Denning Revised, April 21, 1993 INTRODUCTION On April 16, the President announced a new initiative that will bring together the Federal Government and industry in a voluntary program to provide secure communications while meeting the legitimate needs of law enforcement. At the heart of the plan is a new tamper-proof encryption chip called the "Clipper Chip" together with a split-key approach to escrowing keys. Two escrow agencies are used, and the key parts from both are needed to reconstruct a key. CHIP CONTENTS The Clipper Chip contains a classified single-key 64-bit block encryption algorithm called "Skipjack." The algorithm uses 80 bit keys (compared with 56 for the DES) and has 32 rounds of scrambling (compared with 16 for the DES). It supports all 4 DES modes of operation. The algorithm takes 32 clock ticks, and in Electronic Codebook (ECB) mode runs at 12 Mbits per second. Each chip includes the following components: the Skipjack encryption algorithm F, an 80-bit family key that is common to all chips N, a 30-bit serial number (this length is subject to change) U, an 80-bit secret key that unlocks all messages encrypted with the chip The chips are programmed by Mykotronx, Inc., which calls them the "MYK-78." The silicon is supplied by VLSI Technology Inc. They are implemented in 1 micron technology and will initially sell for about $30 each in quantities of 10,000 or more. The price should drop as the technology is shrunk to .8 micron. ENCRYPTING WITH THE CHIP To see how the chip is used, imagine that it is embedded in the AT&T telephone security device (as it will be). Suppose I call someone and we both have such a device. After pushing a button to start a secure conversation, my security device will negotiate an 80-bit session key K with the device at the other end. This key negotiation takes place without the Clipper Chip. In general, any method of key exchange can be used such as the Diffie-Hellman public-key distribution method. Once the session key K is established, the Clipper Chip is used to encrypt the conversation or message stream M (digitized voice). The telephone security device feeds K and M into the chip to produce two values: E[M; K], the encrypted message stream, and E[E[K; U] + N; F], a law enforcement field , which are transmitted over the telephone line. The law enforcement field thus contains the session key K encrypted under the unit key U concatenated with the serial number N, all encrypted under the family key F. The law enforcement field is decrypted by law enforcement after an authorized wiretap has been installed. The ciphertext E[M; K] is decrypted by the receiver's device using the session key: D[E[M; K]; K] = M . CHIP PROGRAMMING AND ESCROW All Clipper Chips are programmed inside a SCIF (Secure Compartmented Information Facility), which is essentially a vault. The SCIF contains a laptop computer and equipment to program the chips. About 300 chips are programmed during a single session. The SCIF is located at Mykotronx. At the beginning of a session, a trusted agent from each of the two key escrow agencies enters the vault. Agent 1 enters a secret, random 80-bit value S1 into the laptop and agent 2 enters a secret, random 80-bit value S2. These random values serve as seeds to generate unit keys for a sequence of serial numbers. Thus, the unit keys are a function of 160 secret, random bits, where each agent knows only 80. To generate the unit key for a serial number N, the 30-bit value N is first padded with a fixed 34-bit block to produce a 64-bit block N1. S1 and S2 are then used as keys to triple-encrypt N1, producing a 64-bit block R1: R1 = E[D[E[N1; S1]; S2]; S1] . Similarly, N is padded with two other 34-bit blocks to produce N2 and N3, and two additional 64-bit blocks R2 and R3 are computed: R2 = E[D[E[N2; S1]; S2]; S1] R3 = E[D[E[N3; S1]; S2]; S1] . R1, R2, and R3 are then concatenated together, giving 192 bits. The first 80 bits are assigned to U1 and the second 80 bits to U2. The rest are discarded. The unit key U is the XOR of U1 and U2. U1 and U2 are the key parts that are separately escrowed with the two escrow agencies. As a sequence of values for U1, U2, and U are generated, they are written onto three separate floppy disks. The first disk contains a file for each serial number that contains the corresponding key part U1. The second disk is similar but contains the U2 values. The third disk contains the unit keys U. Agent 1 takes the first disk and agent 2 takes the second disk. Thus each agent walks away knowing an 80-bit seed and the 80-bit key parts. However, the agent does not know the other 80 bits used to generate the keys or the other 80-bit key parts. The third disk is used to program the chips. After the chips are programmed, all information is discarded from the vault and the agents leave. The laptop may be destroyed for additional assurance that no information is left behind. The protocol may be changed slightly so that four people are in the room instead of two. The first two would provide the seeds S1 and S2, and the second two (the escrow agents) would take the disks back to the escrow agencies. The escrow agencies have as yet to be determined, but they will not be the NSA, CIA, FBI, or any other law enforcement agency. One or both may be independent from the government. LAW ENFORCEMENT USE When law enforcement has been authorized to tap an encrypted line, they will first take the warrant to the service provider in order to get access to the communications line. Let us assume that the tap is in place and that they have determined that the line is encrypted with the Clipper Chip. The law enforcement field is first decrypted with the family key F, giving E[K; U] + N. Documentation certifying that a tap has been authorized for the party associated with serial number N is then sent (e.g., via secure FAX) to each of the key escrow agents, who return (e.g., also via secure FAX) U1 and U2. U1 and U2 are XORed together to produce the unit key U, and E[K; U] is decrypted to get the session key K. Finally the message stream is decrypted. All this will be accomplished through a special black box decoder. CAPSTONE: THE NEXT GENERATION A successor to the Clipper Chip, called "Capstone" by the government and "MYK-80" by Mykotronx, has already been developed. It will include the Skipjack algorithm, the Digital Signature Standard (DSS), the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), a method of key exchange, a fast exponentiator, and a randomizer. A prototoype will be available for testing on April 22, and the chips are expected to be ready for delivery in June or July. ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND DISTRIBUTION NOTICE This article is based on information provided by NSA, NIST, FBI, and Mykotronx. Permission to distribute this document is granted. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Apr 93 9:21:53 EDT From: (Clipper Chip Announcement ) Subject: File 3--Slide presente a la Maison Blanche durant le briefing Note: The following material was handed out a press briefing on the Clipper Chip on 4/16. Chip Operation Microchip User's Message +----------------------+ ------------------> | | 1. Message encrypted | Encryption Algorithm | with user's key | | | Serial # | 2. User's key encrypted | |--> with chip unique key | Chip Unique Key | User's Encryption | | 3. Serial # encrypted Key | Chip Family Key | with chip family key ------------------> | | | | +----------------------+ For Law Enforcement to Read a Suspect's Message 1. Need to obtain court authorized warrant to tap the suspect's telephone; 2. Record encrypted message; 3. Use chip family key to decrypt chip serial number; 4. Take this serial number *and* court order to custodians of disks A and B; 5. Add the A and B components for that serial number = the chip unique key for the suspect user; 6. Use this key to decrypt the user's message key for this recorded message; 7. Finally, use this message key to decrypt the recorded message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon Apr 19 12:58:44 -0400 1993 From: (Paul Rutkovsky ) Subject: File 4--Clipper Chip et le FBI (reprints) Copyrights: Warren Publishing, Inc. & San Jose Mercury News, 1993 GOVT. WEIGHS IN ON PRIVACY-VS.-ENCRYPTION DEBATE, WITH ITS OWN TECHNOL OGY Communications Daily April 19, 1993 p. N/A ISSN: 0277-0679 Clinton Administration Fri. announced sweeping policy directive designed to protect privacy of voice and data transmissions using govt.-developed encryption technology that ensures law enforcement agencies will have ability to eavesdrop. Encyrption is achieved through use of "Clipper Chip " that will be built into telephones, computers, fax machines. Although govt. will adopt new chip as its standard, use in private sector will be on voluntary basis. AT&T Fri. became first company to announce publicly support of Clipper Chip . "We believe it will give our customers far greater protection in defeating hackers or eavesdroppers in attempting to intercept a call," said AT&T Vp Secure Communications Systems Edward Hickey. Govt. already has purchased some evaluation units from AT&T with Clipper Chip installed, said Raymond Kramer, acting dir. of National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST). Govt. expects to purchase "well over the thousands" of such Clipper Chip units, he said, but he couldn't give figures for how many it might buy from AT&T. AT&T spokesman said products with Clipper Chip included will be available commercially in 2nd quarter. President Clinton Thurs. signed Top Secret National Security Directive outlining details of privacy and encryption policy review. Review will bring together industry and govt. experts under direction of National Security Council in attempt to resolve long-running controversy on right of businesses and citizens to protect all forms of communication and govt. right to conduct lawful investigations. Review will take 3-4 months, NIST's Kramer said. Law enforcement agencies are concerned about rising popularity of digital encryption methods. Multinational businesses, worried about economic espionage, increasingly are incorporating encryption technology for all communications. Law enforcement agencies have voiced growing concern that if they don't move quickly to enact laws assuring them access to encrypted and digital communications, they will be at decided disadvantage in attempting to thwart criminal acts. FBI spokesman James Kallstrom acknowledged that "not many" criminals today are using encryption to skirt law, but putting methods in place now to assure means of intercepting such communications "is vital" to law enforcement's mission. Encryption program will be available to any vendor that wants to manufacture chips, Kramer said. However, company that developed and designed chip under sole-source contract from National Security Agency (NSA) -- Mykotronx, Torrance, Cal. -- has solid lead on market. Kramer acknowledged job was handed to it with NSA's full approval of noncompetitive bid contract. He defended noncompetition aspect: "We went out and found the only company capable of delivering this technology." He said govt. has been using Clipper Chip technology for "a while now in classified applications," but declined to say how long it had been in use before White House announcement. Each chip will have 3 unique "keys" issued to it. When manufactured, 2 of those keys will be sent to govt. and will be held by "escrow agents." For law enforcement agency to be able descramble transmissions, it first must get court order that allows keys held in escrow to be released. Only when those keys are used in tandem can law enforcement agencies unscramble codes and listen in on conversations. Attorney Gen.'s office will "make all arrangements with appropriate entities to hold keys," White House said. Those escrow keys could be held by private organizations, govt. agencies or others, Kramer said. But only 2 entities will be chosen and will be responsible for administering data base that will store keys. Attorney Gen.'s office is expected to select escrow key holders "within a couple of weeks," Kramer said. Plan already is drawing fire from civil liberties groups and privacy advocates. Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) said White House acted "before any public comment or discussion has been allowed." It said Administration will use "its leverage to get all telephone equipment vendors to adopt" technology. EFF criticized govt.'s sole-source contract, saying there may be other companies that have better encryption technology, and because encryption algorithm is classified, it can't be tested. "The public will only have confidence in the security of a standard that is open to independent, expert scrutiny," EFF said. Privacy experts are concerned that because Clipper Chip was developed under NSA contract, it might have "backdoor" known only to NSA that would allow agency to crack code and bypass court order. Kramer disagreed: "There is positively no backdoor to this technology." Because use of Clipper Chip is entirely voluntary, businesses and private users -- including criminals -- are free to choose other means of encryption, leaving govt. and law enforcement agencies with dilemma they now face. FBI 's Kallstrom acknowledged criminals still could thwart investigations if they used non- Clipper Chip products, "but most criminals aren't so smart." Ability of govt. to eavesdrop on Clipper Chip -equipped devices still doesn't solve broader problem: Ability to wiretap conversations moving across digital telecommunications lines. That problem is being addressed separately by FBI 's controversial digital wiretap legislation that has failed to find congressional sponsor and is languishing in Justice Dept., waiting for support of Attorney Gen. +++++ U.S. SCHEME TO EAVESDROP ELECTRONICALLY RAISES CONCERNS CIVIL LIBERTARIANS, INDUSTRY GROUP WANT PUBLIC INPUT INTO 'KEY' PLAN San Jose Mercury News (SJ) - Saturday, April 17, 1993 By: RORY J. O'CONNOR, Mercury News Staff Writer Edition: Morning Final Section: Business Page: 11D Civil libertarians and a major computer industry group raised concerns Friday about how much protection a Clinton administration plan would afford private electronic communications, from cellular telephone calls to computer data. The administration Friday said it would begin using technology developed by the government's National Institute of Standards and Technology to balance two competing interests: the desire of citizens to keep their conversations private and the need for law enforcement agencies to monitor those conversations after getting a court order. The technology that enables this is a computer chip called the Clipper Chip that scrambles a telephone call or computer message using a secret algorithm, or formula. But each chip also comes with a pair of electronic "keys" that could be used by law enforcement agencies to decipher the secret messages generated by the chip. The Clinton proposal calls for one key to be held by each of two separate "trusted" third parties, who would release them to law enforcement agencies that obtained legal authority to intercept the communications. Both keys would be needed to decipher a message. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a not-for-profit civil liberties group, praised the administration for considering the issue. But it criticized the lack of public input into the plan. "They've announced a big inquiry with public input, but they've reached a conclusion before they started," said Daniel J. Weitzner, staff counsel for the Washington-based foundation. Although the administration's plan calls only for equipping government telephones with the security devices, some groups are concerned the plan might become a standard for all manner of electronic communication before the public has a chance to debate its merits. "I don't want to sound too stridently opposed to this," said Ken Wasch, executive director of the Software Publishers Association (SPA) in Washington. "But... we feel blindsided." The SPA was discussing data security issues with Clinton administration officials but had not expected any White House action until August, said Ilene Rosenthal, general counsel. Besides the lack of initial hearings, both groups said they had two major concerns about the Clinton plan: (box) Because the algorithm itself is secret, the groups say it is impossible for the public to discern if it is truly secure. Users can't be certain government spy agencies have not hidden a "back door" in the software that will allow them to read anything they want. "So far there hasn't been a credible explanation about why the algorithm has to be secret," Weitzner said. (box) The administration hasn't decided who will be the escrow agents, and it seems unlikely any government agency, corporate entity or other organization would be deemed trustworthy by every user. Even assuming all concerned can agree on who will hold them, civil libertarians are concerned that the keys, by giving law enforcement agencies access to individuals' private communications, might pose a threat to constitutional protections against self-incrimination. Washington sources who requested anonymity suggested the White House might have drafted its plan quickly because of concern over sales of an AT&T device that encrypts phone calls using an older standard, Data Encryption Standard. The sources said law enforcement officials feared the device would create an explosion in secured telephone traffic that would severely hamper their efforts to wiretap calls. American Telephone & Telegraph announced Friday it would adapt the $1,200 product, called the Telephone Security Device, to use the Clipper Chip by the end of this fiscal quarter. AT&T makes a related device, which encrypts voice and computer data transmissions, that could be converted to the Clipper technology, said spokesman Bill Jones. Jones said he wasn't aware of any concern by the government over the current model of the Telephone Security Device, which has been sold to government and business customers. At least one company was quite pleased with the plan: San Jose chip maker VLSI Technology, which will manufacture the Clipper chips for a Torrance company that is selling them to the government and to AT&T. VLSI, which invented a manufacturing method the company said makes it difficult to "reverse engineer" the chip or discern the encryption scheme, expects to make $50 million in the next three years selling the device, said Jeff Hendy, director of new product marketing for the company. ------------------------------ Date: Thu Apr 15 11:47:00 +0200 1993 From: (Fabien Pigere ) Subject: File 5--Piratage France Telecom par un technicien France Telecom Copyright: Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd., 1992 ADDING TO CHAOS Network Monitor March, 1992 ISSN: 0953-8402 WORD COUNT: 121 PUBLISHER: Elsevier Advanced Technology Publications France Telecom was in the news again recently after a technician was found guilty of aiding hackers to gain information about using international network connections. The technician worked for Intelcom France, an FT subsidiary which manages the international transit node (NTI) for France Telecom networks. According to the police the technician "played a determine role" in the leak of NTI access codes notably to the Chaos Computer Club France. Jean-Bernard Condat of the CCCF denied the accusation that his organization which he says specializes in the security of information systems, received the access codes from the technician. The Chaos Computer Club began life in Germany and has played a twilight role, half supporting hackers and half finding security loopholes ignored or hidden by suppliers and operations. INDUSTRY: Telecommunications (TL) ------------------------------ End of Chaos Digest #1.19 ************************************