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37. Apache WWW Server

Sorry this is so brief but setting up a simple Apache WWW server is very easy. But, configuring all of the advanced features is WAY out of the scope of this doc.

- Download the newest version of the standard Apache or SSL-encrypted WWW server for Linux from the URL in Section 5

- Install the new apache software:

Redhat: rpm -Uvh apache-1.2.6-5.i386.rpm

Slackware: tar -xzvf apache_1.2.6.tar.gz

- Now, edit your WWW pages in the following directories based upon your Linux distribution

Redhat: /home/httpd/html

- Upon the fact that the WWW server runs fine, re-enable HTTPD upon boot.

- To do this, UN-DO all edits for HTTPD lines in Section 8

- Also don't forget to re-enable HTTPD log rotation if you disabled it towards the end of Section 9.

- If you want to be able to directly FTP files to the /home/httpd/html directory, you need to make sure the given logins and the Apache html dir has proper group permissions:

- edit /etc/passwd and in the 4th field delimenated by ":"s, change the GID or GroupID to "4" for ALL people that should be able write to the global HTML dir.

                                i.e.  dranch:x:500:4::/home/dranch:/bin/bash

- Next, fix the permissions of the /home/httpd/html dir

                                chgrp -R adm /home/httpd/html
                                chmod 775  /home/httpd/html
                                chmod 764 /home/httpd/html/*

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